
About Project

The aim of the project is to establish a network of NGOs supporting SMEs in Sweden, Poland and North–West Russia and build their capacity in sustainability skills and competencies. The project will set up a framework and provide methodology for practical implementation of sustainability principles in core business operations for the benefit of SMEs and local communities. It will facilitate the exchange of experience and stimulate broader dissemination of key sustainability concepts and principles, skills and best practice.

The purpose of the project is to establish a cross-border network and strengthen cross-border contacts in the area of sustainability for SMEs and local communities which contribute to ensuring mutual understanding between neighbouring countries, which in turn serves as the foundation for stability and development in a regional and global perspective.The project is aimed at the priority of “The environment, climate and energy, including environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea and other adjacent waters and the promotion of effective environmental technologies and sustainable sources of energy, where joint approaches to sustainable development may be possible”.
It will build the knowledge, facilitate networking in ssustainable development of regional SMEs.

The project is directly relevant to the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Neighbourhood Policy and the Programme for the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, including the guidelines for co-operation with North-West Russia and implemented  under Nordic Council of Ministers’ Support Programme for NGOs in the Baltic Sea Region.